General Data Protection Regulation


We want to make patients aware that from the 25th May 2018 the ‘General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will come in to force in the UK  – the information on this page is currently being updated to ensure that our patients have the information they need about how their Personal Health Data is processed, stored and shared. The Practice is currently working through the new legislation requirements, reviewing and updating our policies and procedures, training our Practice Team members and preparing updated information ready for publication for our patients.


Personal data issues are experiencing a high degree of media exposure presently and we want to assure patients that ‘Personal Health Data’ under various current legislation and under the new GDPR has special protections that must be followed and adhered to. In the coming months there will be a lot of publicity which we hope will be factual rather than media sensationalised and if as a patient you have any concerns we are here to help you and answer your queries. We know from experience that media coverage can cause a great deal of anxiety for patients – please always feel that you can speak to us so we can answer your questions and this will enable us to provide you with the correct information you need to base your decisions upon.