Antibiotic Guardian

Please become an antibiotic guardian

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats facing us today and the overuse or misuse of antibiotics is making the problem worse. Without effective antibiotics many routine treatments will become increasingly dangerous. Setting broken bones, basic operations, transplants, even chemotherapy all rely on access to antibiotics that work. To slow resistance we need to cut the use of unnecessary antibiotics.

We use our clinical system to monitor and issue prescriptions. Prescriptions can be requested in writing using the tear-off slip provided or online. These require 48 hours for processing. Requests not submitted on a backing sheet will take longer to process.

Online Appointment Booking and Online Prescription Requests

We are now offering patients a new facility request REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS directly through our clinical software system.

Patients must register for this facility by calling in person at Reception and requesting a User ID and Password. You may then use the link below to access your online record.